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Obverse of Undated Bay Horse Inn Poulton Twopence Token
Obverse of Undated Bay Horse Inn Poulton Twopence Token

Reverse of Undated Bay Horse Inn Poulton Twopence Token
Reverse of Undated Bay Horse Inn Poulton Twopence Token

Bay Horse Inn Poulton Twopence Token
Undated octagonal Bay Horse Inn Poulton twopence token, possibly from Poulton-le-Sands (now called Morecambe) in Lancashire (now Cumbria), in bronze or copper.
There are numerous other Poultons in the UK, so it may well be from elsewhere.

The obverse of this octagonal bronze (copper?) token carries the inscription:-
in three lines with a divider between the second and third lines.

The reverse design consists if the value in a raised inner circle:-
The outer circle is plain.

Dalton & Hamer list a silver shilling token from Poulton in Lancashire, but we do not know of any connection between the two tokens.

Diameter xx mms

'Northward' by Anthony Hewitson 1836 - 1912
(pen name Atticus) and first published in 1900

One-third of a mile north-east of the Preston and Lancaster main road, up the side way past the two 'Abbey' house in Ellel, Bay Horse railway station is situated; but, strange as it may seem, through the station is thus designated, there is no village, nor hamlet, nor locality at all which bears such name. All the buildings etc - and there are but few - in the quasi or supposed Bay Horse region are, properly speaking, in Ellel.

At the time when Preston and Lancaster length of railway was made, a station was required between Scorton and Galgate, for South Ellel, Forton, Cockerham, and Dolphinholme people, and as the place selected for it had no name it took that of the nearest building, which was the one originally used as the Bay Horse Inn, directly adjoining the old coach road - about 40 yards distant, and on the lower side. In a hollow at the side of the old coach road, about 200 yards north-west of the station, there used to be a public-house called the Rising Sun.

It was done away with, as a licensed place, about 1815, being supplanted - so it had been conjectured - by an inn which took the name of the Bay Horse (the present Old Bay Horse') at the corner of the road opposite the station, and which was kept open until 1825, when its license and name were transferred to a house, built in that year, a quarter of a mile south-west, and quite close to a length of the new main road going past it.

Coaches were drawn up and horses changed at this 'New Bay Horse' from the time of its opening until the railway system put an end to their running. After being closed as an inn, the Old Bay Horse premises were used as a dwelling-house, etc., and eventually the district post office business was done here.

In 1892, after being considerably enlarged and improved, the old place was re-opened as an inn - the license of the New Bay Horse going to it, whilst the postal business was transferred from the `old' to the 'new' premises. and so matters remain.

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