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2005 Wales Grand Slam Silver MedallionClick here to return to Medallions IndexChard 24 Carat Home Page

2005 wales grand slam in presentation case
Medallion in Presentation Case

2005 wales grand slam silver OBV
Obverse of Medallion

2005 wales silver grand slam REV
Reverse of Medallion

2005 wales grand slam medallion

Wales Grand Slam Silver Medallion
Sterling Silver medallion commemorating the 2005 Grand Slam.
The Royal Mint released this medal to honour the achievements of the Welsh rugby squad when they won the RBS Six Nations Championship, and the Grand Slam on 19th March 2005.

The obverse shows the outside of the Millemium Statium with a rugby ball with the inscription;-

The reverse shows the inside of the stadium and goal posts with the Cardiff Arms Park emblem and the inscription;-

The edge bears a silver hallmark.

Grand Slam38.4528.280.925.8410

Weight = Weight in grams
Alloy = Fineness of silver
ASW = Actual Silver Weight in troy ounces of pure silver

Wales Grand Slam

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We make an active market in medals and medallions, including stamp replica, whether individually, or in complete sets and collections. Buying and selling prices vary with the market price of silver (or gold where appropriate).
The secondary (secondhand) market prices for silver medallions is usually quite competitively priced, and for connoisseurs of medallic or numismatic art, previously owned medallion sets often represent a bargain especially compared with the original new prices.
Please contact us if you have medals or medallions for sale.

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