The Very Highest Quality Silver Coins...

2006 US Eagle Silver Bullion Coins CoinsChard 24 Carat Home Page

Obverse of One Ounce Silver Eagle
Obverse of 2006 One Ounce Silver Eagle


Reverse of One Ounce Silver Eagle
Reverse of 2006 One Ounce Silver Eagle

Obverse of 2006 American One Ounce Silver Eagle - Dog Privy Mark
Obverse of 2006 One Ounce Silver Eagle - Dog Privy Mark

Obverse of 2006 American One Ounce Silver Eagle - Gold Plated
Obverse of 2006 One Ounce Silver Eagle - Gold Plated

American Eagle Silver Bullion Coins

In 1986, the United States of America started issuing a one ounce silver version of their one ounce gold eagle bullion coin.

One Ounce of Pure Silver
The original idea was to provide silver coins which would contain a guaranteed one ounce of fine, or pure, silver.
There are now many countries which issue silver bullion coins, many are countries where silver is mined, and these mainly issue silver bullion coins every year, and there are other countries which make the occasional silver bullion issue.
This has added to the diversity of different designs available to the collector, and also means that the various mints have begun to compete by offering more choice of design.
These are large, attractive coins made of pure silver.

For Sale

2006 One Ounce Silver Eagle

Quantity Rate Buy
1 £11.70 Click here to add this item to your cart
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2006 One Ounce Silver Eagle - Privy Mark Dog

Quantity Rate Buy
1 £16.70 Click here to add this item to your cart
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2006 One Ounce Silver Eagle - Gold Plated

Quantity Rate Buy
1 £16.70 Click here to add this item to your cart
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Punitive Import Duties
Because the American FSC (Foreign Sales Corporation) was breaching WTO (World Trade Organisation) rules with unfair and illegal subsidies, following an EU complaint in 1997, in 2003 the EU decided to impose additional import duties on certain classes of goods of US origin. This includes US silver eagles. The additional rate started at 5% in March 2004, and increases by 1% per month to a maximum of 17% reached in March 2006. Because of this, we have had to increase our prices on US silver eagles. We can therefore no longer recommend these as a competitive or economic way to invest in silver bullion. We strongly suggest you consider Canadian maples instead.
For the collector simply wishing to add this year's eagle to his collection, the extra tax will obviously not make much difference.

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USA Coins Index
Silver Bullion Coins
Silver Britannias

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