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Bread Delivery Wagon

By Driving & Parking on the Footpath

Our Dangerous and Ignorant Drivers File

Here we see G826 UHY, an Orange & White Bread Lorry, which obviously makes regular, possibly daily deliveries to Burton's bakery, its driver or drivers obviously do not know or do not care that they are not supposed to drive and park lorries on and across the public footpath and kerb.
We have seen this and other similar vehicles parked on the footpath when there was a completely clear vacant legal parking place immediately adjacent, and the only reason the driver can have had for not parking legally was being too lazy to walk an extra 10 yards.
Amongst other times we have seen this vehicle at 6.15 - 7.00 a.m. on 29th April 1999, and 8.30 - 8.45 on 13th April 1999. the Lowest Possible Price

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