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Portrait of Diocletian on a Bronze Follis
Portrait of Diocletian on a Bronze Follis
Genio Populi Romani on Reverse of Diocletian Follis
Genio Populi Romani on Reverse of Diocletian Follis
AD 284 - 305
Diocletian effected a major overhaul of the coinage during his reign, revising the weights of most of the existing denominations, and introducing new ones. The follis was one of his new denominations, and it is appropriate that we feature one on this page. the follis was introduced in 295 or 296 AD, and was apparently usually silver-washed (coated).

John Cleese Coin
While working with the image of the follis on this page, it suddenly struck us that the portrait looked like John Cleese. When we think about the similarity in names, perhaps John Cleese is a descendant of the emperor Diocletian!

Roman Emperors Portrait Gallery
You may wish to visit our portrait gallery of Roman emperors. Although it is not complete, we add new and better coins when we can. We are always keen to buy superior quality Roman coins to upgrade our photo gallery.

If you want to find the value of a coin you own, please take a look at our page I've Found An Old Coin, What's It Worth? the Lowest Possible Price

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