The Very Highest Quality Medallions... |
History of the English Speaking Peoples | ![]() ![]() |
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Details of Medallions
The complete set of medallions is as follows:-
First Album
# | Obverse | Reverse |
1 | Julius Caesar Lands 55 B.C. | Emblem of the Twentieth Legion |
2 | Boadicea and the Romans 60 A.D. | A Contemporary Roman Coin a.d. 54 - 68 |
3 | Picts and Scots 367 A.D. | The Glamis Stone Pictish Cross |
4 | The Legend of King Arthur 500 A.D. | A Belt-Mount of the Period |
5 | St Augustine 597 A.D. | Province of Canterbury Arms |
6 | First Viking Raid c. 789 A.D. | A Viking Carved Horses Head |
7 | Alfred the Great 871 A.D. | A King Alfred Silver Penny |
8 | The Battle of Hastings 1066 A.D. | Coin of William I |
9 | The Domesday Book 1086 A.D. | Counterseal of William I |
10 | Thomas A'Becket 1170 A.D. | Province of Canterbury Seal |
11 | Richard I and the Crusades 1190s A.D. | A Cross Worn During the Crusades |
12 | The Magna Carta 1215 A.D. | The Great Seal of King John |
13 | Simon de Montfort 1265 A.D. | The Great Seal of Edward I |
14 | The First Prince of Wales 1301 A.D. | The Arms of Robert Bruce |
15 | Robert the Bruce 1314 A.D. | The Black Princes "Shield for Peace" |
16 | The Battle of Crecy 1346 A.D. | The Royal Arms of Henry V |
17 | The Peasant's Revolt 1381 A.D. | A King Richard II Penny |
18 | The Battle of Agincourt 1415 A.D. | The Royal Arms of Henry V |
19 | The Wars of the Roses 1455 A.D. | The Great Seal of Henry VI |
20 | The Batle of Bosworth 1485 A.D. | The Great Seal of Henry VII |
21 | Henry VII 1536 - 1539 A.D. | Third Seal of Henry VIII |
22 | Mary Queen of Scots 1587 A.D. | A Mary Queen of Scots Sovereign |
23 | The Spanish Armada 1588 A.D. | The Arms of Lord Howard of Effingham |
24 | James I and James VI 1603 A.D. | The Seal of James I |
25 | The Mayflower 1620 A.D. | The Council of New England Common Seal |
26 | Charles I Executed 1649 A.D. | Second Commonwealth Seal |
27 | The Restoration 1660 A.D. | The King's Orb Made for Charles II |
28 | The Great Fire of London 1666 | The City of London Arms |
29 | William and Mary 1688 A.D. | The Seal of King William III |
30 | 1st Duke of Marlborough 1704 A.D. | Arms of the 1st Duke of Marlborough |
31 | The Union of Parliaments 1707 A.D. | The Royal Crown of Scotland |
32 | Robert Walpole 1721 A.D. | The Arms of Robert Walpole |
33 | The "Forty-Five" 1745 A.D. | The Battle of Culloden Medal |
34 | Wolfe takes Quebec 1759 A.D. | Contemporary Victoria Medal 1759 |
35 | Indian Under the British 1760 A.D. | East India Company Arms |
36 | Cooks' Voyages 1770 A.D. | The Arms of Captain Cook |
37 | American Independence 1776 A.D. | The Great Seal of the United States |
38 | The Industrial Revolution 1776 - 1851 A.D. | Hargreave's Spinning Jenny |
39 | The Battle of Trafalgar 1805 A.D. | The Arms of Lord Nelson |
40 | Slave Trade Abolished 1807 A.D. | Abolition of Slavery Medal 1833 |
41 | The Battle of Waterloo 1815 A.D. | The Arms of Wellesley, Duke of Wellington |
42 | The Reform Bill 1832 A.D. | The Seal of King William IV, 1765 - 1837 |
43 | Parliament in Capetown 1853 A.D. | The "Cape Triangular" Stamp |
44 | The Crimean War 1854 - 1856 A.D. | The Crimean War Medal 1854 -1956 |
45 | The Indian Mutiny 1857 A.D. | The Indian Mutiny Medal 1857 - 1858 |
46 | Gladstone and Disraeli 1868 - 1885 A.D. | The Badge of Parliament |
47 | Queen Victoria 1876 A.D. | The Seal of Queen Victoria 1837 - 1901 |
48 | The Boer War 1899 A.D. | Boer War Campaign Medal 1899 - 1902 |
49 | The Fist World War 1914 - 1918 A.D. | World War I Campaign Medal 1919 |
50 | The Second World War 1939 - 1945 A.D. | The Highest Allied Awards for Valour |
Diameter | 45 mms. |
Weight Each | 40 grams |
Total Weight | 2,000 grams |
Alloy | 0.925 |
Total Silver Content | 59.48 troy ounces |
History Of The English Speaking Peoples
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