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Obverse of Alexander Tetradrachm - Rhodes Mint
Obverse of Alexander Tetradrachm - Rhodes Mint

Reverse of Alexander Tetradrachm - Rhodes Mint
Reverse of Alexander Tetradrachm - Rhodes Mint

Obverse of Metapontum Stater
Obverse of Alexander Tetradrachm - Miletus Mint

Reverse of Alexander Tetradrachm - Miletus Mint
Reverse of Alexander Tetradrachm - Miletus Mint

Silver Tetradrachm of Alexander the Great (Postumous Issue) c. 3rd - 2nd Century B.C.

Alexander's Father Phillip II of Macedon was a great general and king in his own right, and had conquered the whole of Greece before he was assasinated in 336 B.C. Alexander was to build on his Father's legacy by conquering most of the known world and becoming one of history's most legendary figures. Having conquered the mighty Persia, Alexander conquered an Empire that stretched from Macedonia and Greece to the North and East, down South into Egypt and as far West as the River Indus in India. Alexander died at the height of his power in 323 B.C. at the age of 32. His son, Alexander IV, who was not born at the time of his death, was not in a position to inherit his father's legacy in full, and the Empire broke apart into several successor states (known as the Diadochi) ruled by Alexander's various generals. The rival states included the Selucid Empire, Ptolomaic Egypt, and the Kingdom of Macedon amongst others.

In spite of, or perhaps because of the turmoil following Alexander's death, coins such as this Tetradrachm continued to be struck in his name for about 200 years after his death in various parts of his old Empire, perhaps as a way of giving off the impression of stability and continuity. The coins featured are ones of these posthumous issues struck after Alexander's death.
The coin minted on the island of Rhodes features a rose mintmark (the 'Rose' mintmark is a greek pun on rhodon the greek word for 'rose').
The coin minted in Miletus features a monogram.

Head of Herakles (Hercules) right, wearing lionskin

Zeus, seated left, holding eagle and sceptre, legend: ALEXANDROU (Alexander) - vertically behind seat

Price & Availability:-
DescriptionGradeAvailabilityPrice £Price $
Silver Tetradrachm of Rhodes, 15.82g (minted in Rhodes)VFSold£195$310
Silver Tetradrachm of Miletus, 16.54g (minted in Miletus)gVFYes£195$310

*Price correct as of 2013.

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